Things to consider for making tetris
- Keyboard Input
- Block manipulation
- Score
- Collision Detection
- Graphic
$(function(){//Only call this script when the dom is ready Tetris = function(p_holder) { //We don't need multiple instance if(window._Tetris != undefined){ return window._Tetris; } window._Tetris = this; this.m_keyCode = {40:'down', 38: 'up', 37:'left', 39:'right'}; this.m_holder = p_holder; this.m_action = null; // Bind window event to tetris $(window).keydown(function(event){ Tetris().keyDown(event); }); // Bind window event to tetris $(window).keyup(function(event){ Tetris().keyUp(event); }); //Event handler for KeyDown this.keyDown = function(event){ if(this.m_keyCode[event.keyCode] != undefined){ console.log(this.m_keyCode[event.keyCode]); //Converting keycode into, up, down, left, //right action and set tetris action. this.m_action = this.m_keyCode[event.keyCode]; }; }; //Event handler for KeyUp this.keyUp = function(event){ //Clearing up the action so tetris will be idle this.m_action = null; } }; new Tetris($("#tetrisHolder")); });
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