Saturday 25 September 2010

Tetris - JavaScript - PART 2 - Block Manipulation

Today where are going to give the program ability to add, remove and move blocks around.
 I add in a bit more comment and made the code abit neater.

The new functions are addBlock, removeBlock, moveBlock, blockExist, and validateCordinate.

It don't really do anything at this stage, but you can try it out with the following code

The html require the following
div.block {
            border:1px solid;

And you need the div element,

< div id="tetrisHolder" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% teal; 
display: block; height: 701px; position: relative; width: 351px;">

Finally the actually script

new Tetris($("#tetrisHolder"), 35, 20, 10);

The above code will add two block next to each other.


 * A little game of falling block, the goal are to score point by
 * controlling the falling block in a way to place them neatly on the bottom
 * of the screen. When the block are filled in contiguously from left to right
 * on either row, score will be earn.
 * @author Do Quoc Cong
Tetris = function(p_holder, p_blockSize, p_xSize, p_ySize) {
    //We don't need multiple instance
    if (window._Tetris != undefined) {
        return window._Tetris;

    window._Tetris = this;
    this.m_keyCode = {
        40 : 'down',
        38 : 'up',
        37 : 'left',
        39 : 'right'
    this.m_holder = p_holder;
    this.m_action = null;
    this.m_blockSize = p_blockSize ? p_blockSize: 32;
    this.m_xSize = p_xSize ? p_xSize: 20;
    this.m_ySize = p_ySize ? p_ySize: 10;
    this.m_grid = Array(p_xSize);
    this.m_falling = Array();

    for (var i = 0; i < p_xSize; i++) {
        this.m_grid[i] = Array(p_ySize);

    // Bind window event to tetris
    $(window).keydown(function(event) {

    // Bind window event to tetris
    $(window).keyup(function(event) {

    //Event handler for KeyDown
    this.keyDown = function(event) {
        if (this.m_keyCode[event.keyCode] != undefined) {
            //Converting keycode into, up, down, left,
            //right action and set tetris action.
            this.m_action = this.m_keyCode[event.keyCode];

    //Event handler for KeyUp
    this.keyUp = function(event) {
        //Clearing up the action so tetris will be idle
        this.m_action = null;
     * Add a block to the tetris grid
     * @param p_x the x cordinate to create the block
     * @param p_y the y cordinate to create the block
     * @param p_falling indicated wether this block is falling
    this.addBlock = function(p_x, p_y, p_falling) {
         * This code is expensive, there are better ways
         * of implementing this section of the code
         * but for simplicity we leaving it
        if (this.validCordinate(p_x, p_y) && !this.blockExist(p_x, p_y)) {
            var block = document.createElement('div');
            block = $(block);
            if(this.moveBlock(block,p_x, p_y)){
                block.m_falling = p_falling?p_falling:false;
                return block;
        // There are some error
        return false;
     * Check if the block existed at cordinate x, y
     * @param p_x x cordinate to be check
     * @param p_x y cordinate to be check
    this.blockExist = function(p_x, p_y) {
        return this.m_grid[p_x][p_y] != undefined && !this.m_grid[p_x][p_y].m_falling;
     * Check if the cordinate is with in the tetris region.
     * @param p_x x cordinate to be check
     * @param p_x y cordinate to be check
    this.validCordinate = function(p_x, p_y) {
        return this.m_xSize > p_x && p_x >= 0 && this.m_ySize > p_y && p_y >= 0;

     * Attemp to move the block to cordinate x and y, if the cordinate are
     * not occupied.
     * @param p_block the block to be move
     * @param p_x the x cordinate to be move too
     * @param p_y the y cordinate to be move too
    this.moveBlock = function(p_block, p_x, p_y) {
        if(!this.blockExist(p_x, p_y)){
            if(p_block.m_x != undefined || p_block.m_y != undefined){
                this.m_grid[p_block.m_x][p_block.m_y] = undefined;
            p_block.css("top", this.m_blockSize * p_x + 1);
            p_block.css("left", this.m_blockSize * p_y + 1);
            p_block.m_x = p_x;
            p_block.m_y = p_y;
            this.m_grid[p_x][p_y] = p_block;
            return true;
        return false;
     * Remove the block pass via paramitar
     * @param p_block the block to be remove.
    this.removeBlock = function(p_block) {
        return this.removeCordinate(p_block.m_x, p_block.m_y);
     * Remove the block from x, y cordinate if it existed.
     * @param p_x x cordinate of block
     * @param p_y y cordinate of block
    this.removeCordinate = function( p_x, p_y){
        if(this.blockExist(p_x, p_y)){
            var block = this.m_grid[p_block.m_x][p_block.m_y];
            this.m_grid[p_block.m_x][p_block.m_y] = undefined;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

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