Monday, 10 December 2012

Measuring position from Servo using Potentiometer [Voltage divider]

The majority of servo would use potentiometer to measure the position of the servo internally.
So to measure the position of the servo we just need to tap into the voltage divider. One wire to the three largest centre pin and we are done.

Warning always check the maximum voltage of the feedback before hooking the feedback wire to your micro controller. If you are running a 6V servo, plugging the feedback wire into your micro controller will smoke it.

Side Note
Most device when rated at 6V will out put 7V,

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Helicopter Flight Stabilizer Part 1

Electrical Layout Cong's TRex500 Flight Stabilizer

I love flying my helicopter but certain aspect of controlling the helicopter annoyed me.
  1. Moving up rapidly the helicopter twisted left
  2. Moving down rapidly the helicopter twisted to the right
  3. When the wind pressure change, the helicopter bob ups and downs.
  4. To keep the helicopter stable I need to constantly corrected it.
  5. When the voltage are low the helicopter tail move like an axe.
  6. After changing the wings, some servo would require a realignment.
  7. The helicopter should stay still in mid air when there are no input (remote control runs out of battery)
In the coming week I'll attempt to rectify the above issue by rebuilding all the electrical components of the standard helicopter (Head Lock Gryo, Flybarless Module, Radio Receiver). It's going to be rough journey but I'll learn a lot about electronics.

The propose of this post are to help me keep tract of the project and help me remember the plans.
I have a reasonably busy schedule of working, forex, salsa and data collection for forex. In the next few post I'll go into details about each of the components and why they help toward the goals.

Current Task:
Purchase the missing components from Adafruit when  High Side Voltage/Current measurement  is available.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Master Master Replication: Unintentional shutdown

This morning I got a rude awakening, a staff call me and told me one of the database server is down. Since I'm not on site, I got her to check if the server was on. The server was dead quite some, instantly I think of power failure. I so got her to turn on the machine beep beep and it fire up like a hurricane.

 It was silly of me to think of power failure, we got a UPS and three power supply for the database server. Once the machine turn on I did some checking and there was nothing wrong with the server at 11:49:03 suddenly all logs just stop.

The only explanation is some one turn off the power via the UPS or unplug all three power supply. I'll investigate when I get to the office.

The most disturbing event is when I check the mysql log and saw the following:
Relay log read failure: Could not parse relay log event entry. The possible reasons are: the master's binary log is corrupted (you can check this by running 'mysqlbinlog' on the binary log), the slave's relay log is corrupted (you can check this by running 'mysqlbinlog' on the relay log), a network problem, or a bug in the master's or slave's MySQL code. If you want to check the master's binary log or slave's relay log, you will be able to know their names by issuing 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' on this slave
The message to me means
MySQL server wasn't shutdown properly and your our relay log are corrupted. Please flush your relay cache.

I did a few google search and I saw a really disturbing solution. The solution are to skip all the activity since the issue arise, you never want to do this especially if your replication are SQL base.

The proper solution are to reset the relay log and start replication.

  1. run `stop slave;`
  2. in console run `cat /var/lib/mysql/`
  3. note down the follow master log file, master log position, username and password.
    The list below show the format of the files
    1. dont know dont care
    2. master log file
    3. master log position
    4. slave username
    5. slave password
    6. run `show slave status \G` to check if you master log file and master log position are correct
    7. run `reset slave;`
    8. run `CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USER="your user name", MASTER_PASSWORD = "password" , MASTER_LOG_FILE = "the master log file", MASTER_LOG_POS = "the master log position";`
    9. run `start slave;`
    10. run `show slave status \G` everything should work now

If you have a master-master... configuration, the server replicating to the above server will failed. 
With the follow error
Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Client requested master to start replication from impossible position'
To fix simply change the master log file to the master log file and change the master log position to 4.
The good news is when the above happen the master log file is incremented by 1 and the first position of a log file is always 4.

Good Luck